Nortek Time Series

Data files for Nortek devices (ADCPs, current meters, velocimeters) are described here. Daily current plots are also available for some Nortek devices. Parsed scalar ancillary data (e.g., temperature, pitch, roll) are also available as time series scalar data and time series scalar plots

Oceans 3.0 API filterdataProductCode=NTS

Revision History


This data is available in manufacturers' raw binary data files (PRF / AQD / VEC / VNO / WPR / AD2CP), and parsed and processed time series data files (MAT and NETCDF). Content descriptions are provided below.

To produce these files, the following requirements apply:

All Nortek devices are sensitive to orientation. Current meters and velocimeters' data are parsed into scalar data, and part of that process includes a rotation from instrument or Earth relative velocities to true East, North and Up velocities. Data from the manufacturers' raw binary files (PRF / AQD / VEC / VNO / WPR) is as is: no rotation or processing is done. Users should use the appropriate post-processing software to rotate the data to correct for orientation. The MAT and NETCDF processed data products described further below are generated correction for orientation that is described in detail below. If any configurations are changed, files will break. In particular, Nortek Signature 55 ADCP may operate at two different frequencies, so two sets of processed time series products will be generated, while the raw binary data file supports the two frequencies.

Raw Binary Data Files: PRF / AQD / VEC / VNO / WPR / AD2CP

These very similar binary formats are specific to Nortek acoustic devices. When using Nortek data acquisition software, data is normally stored in this way. Although we use custom-built drivers to communicate with our instruments, we can use the raw data in the log file to produce these files. The aforementioned requirements apply, as well as:

VEC is the format for Nortek Vector Current Meters, VNO is the format for Nortek Vectrino Current Meters, AQD is the format for Nortek Aquadopp Current Meters, PRF is the format for Nortek ADCPs, both the Aquadopp Current Profiler and the Aquadopp-HR Current Profiler, WPR is the format for Nortek AWAC (measures currents and waves, see Nortek's description here), AD2CP is the format for Nortek Signature Series ADCPs (viewable in Signature Viewer is a license key). Go to each of those links for the appropriate manufacturer's software for each. Each type of Nortek device has it's own software, however, they all (except Signature Series) have the same data conversion function that appears to read all of the above formats and data structures (however, it's probably best to use the appropriate software). In the appropriate Nortek device interface software, go to the 'Deployment' menu, select 'Data Conversion...', then 'Add file' and then press the arrow. Text file conversions of the raw binary data will be produced. Please note, the raw binary formats are not the .dep files the Nortek device interface software will attempt to load on click of the open file icon or on selecting File -> Open. The .dep files are deployment configuration files useful for field operations. The raw binary files are produced from live devices when the operator selects Deployment -> Recorder Data Retrieval, which is the functionality that our system emulates. 

Nortek also offers post-processing software, such as Surge, Prof2NDPbin2mat, etc., that will also read these formats, see here for downloads (some require license): The Surge software will analyze and plot the velocity data, including doing bin-mapping correction, however it is not free software. The free post-processing option, other than our processed MAT and NetCDF files and plot products, is a combination of Prof2NDP and ExploreP. To post-process the data with Prof2NDP and ExploreP, begin by downloading and installing Prof2NDP and ExploreP from the Nortek website. Get the PRF or other raw binary files from data search, convert the file with Prof2NDP and open the resulting .ADP file in ExploreP. To perform the co-ordinate transform on the velocity data from beam or instrument co-ordinates, go to Contour Plot -> Plot Param... choose East/West or N/S or Up/Down, then click on the icon that says 'insert profile graph' or 'insert time series graph'. Users can then click on the graph to chose the time or bin of the profile, then export the post-processed velocity data via the file menu.

These formats are further described in the manufacturer's System Integrator Guide and Signature Series System Integrator Guide.

Oceans 3.0 API filter: extension={prf,aqd,vec,vno,wpr,ad2cp}

Example: BH_POD2_AD2M_20101018T160041.704.prf

Errors and Warnings when Processing Raw Binary Files with Nortek Device Interface Software (Except for Signature Series)

When reading and converting the raw binary data files with Nortek Software, users may encounter some warnings. In our testing, we've come across the following warnings and messages:

In the .ssl file that was was generated by Aquadopp from the AQD file, we saw some warnings about out of range pitch and roll sensor data. This could be caused by a bad configuration or orientation, most likely test data, or this can occur if the orientation of the device is too extreme, as could happen if the device was deployed to a mooring or mobile deployment. In the case of the latter, users may want to ignore or mask out this data.

In the Vector software, we often see this warning. It will create a small subset VEC file that appears to duplicate data that was processed normally. The processed data appears to be ok; it is not out of order or otherwise scrambled.

Contact us if you have any questions about these errors.

Processed Time Series Data Files: MAT / NETCDF

Processed time series data files are available for Nortek ADCP-type devices: Aquadopp Current Profiler, Aquadopp-HR Current Profiler, Nortek Signature Series ADCPs. The Nortek current meter type devices are parsed as scalar sensors. The processed data for those devices are available in generic time series scalar data and time series scalar plot data products, and from other scalar data portals such as Plotting Utility.

Data Product Options For ADCPs (Ensemble averaging, bin-mapping and plan)

Note that this included page (Ensemble Averaging, Bin-mapping, Three-beam Solutions and Filtering Options For RDI ADCPs) covers both Nortek and RDI ADCPs


MAT files (v7) can be opened using MathWorks MATLAB 7.0 or later. The file contains four structures: meta, data, config, and units. For short duration searches (less than one day) or short duration data returned, the files will be concatenated, otherwise, expect one file per day.

data: structure containing the ADCP data, having the following fields.

config: structure containing configuration details, parsed from the binary configuration or string data structures that are placed at the beginning of the raw binary files (as described earlier). For details about the configuration parameters, refer to the manufacturer documentation. * - denotes that these fields are not (yet) populated for Signature Series.

units: structure containing unit of measure for fields in structures above. For instance, units.pressure='decibar'.

Oceans 3.0 API filter: extension=mat

Example: NortekADCP1504_20101022T000021Z.mat


NetCDF is a machine-independent data format offered by numerous institutions, particularly within the earth and ocean science communities. Additional resources are noted here. For short duration searches (less than one day) or short duration data returned, the files will be concatenated, otherwise, expect one file per day.

The Nortek NetCDF file is extracted from the data contained in the above MAT file. The NetCDF file contains the following main variables: u, v, w, time, binmap_depth, where the binmap_depth variable here is distinct from the pressure sensor measurement in the MAT file (data.depth). When there is bin-mapping performed on the data, the binmap_depth is calculated as meta.depth - data.range; it is the approximate water depth at which the measurement bins are located. If bin-mapping is 'none', then the binmap_depth and the depth are equal. depth is calculated as meta.depth - data.amplitudeVerticalRange, which is the range corrected for tilt. depth is used to plot the beam-averaged backscatter and any other beam-averaged values that are not bin-mapped. The structure and content of the netCDF file is very similar to that of the MAT file, including the variable naming. The RDI and Nortek netCDF files are intended to be very similar, even interchangeable with the same structure and definitions. 

The NetCDF files are intended to be in compliance with the CF-1.7 standard. Depending on the compliance checker that is used the data may not meet this standard for the following reasons: The units dB are not defined, and the feature type of the data is not defined.

Oceans 3.0 API filter: extension=nc


>> ncdisp('C:\Users\ONC\Test\')
Global Attributes:
           Conventions                         = 'CF-1.7'
           title                               = 'Ocean Networks Canada Nortek Profiler Data'
           institution                         = 'Ocean Networks Canada'
           source                              = 'Nortek Profiler 55 kHz'
           history                             = 'Includes data extracted from raw output, minimally processed, and processed data'
           references                          = ''
           comment                             = 'Detailed documentation:'
           processing_comments                 = 'Using a fixed true heading of 297 degrees from metadata. Using internal pitch sensor. Using internal roll sensor. Raw data matrix, data.velocity, is the beam radial velocities. A correlation screen of 50% was applied. Number of NaN beam-pings before: 0, number after: 259633 (1883520 total). Bin-mapping option set to 'None'. Average or fixed tilt is 2.7376 degrees. data.range is instrument normal range to each bin centre. Transformed and rotated bin-mapped beam radial velocities to true East-North-Up velocities, using instrument transform matrix and afforementioned heading/pitch/roll data for rotation. adcp.backscatter (relative volume backscattter) calculated from 0.45*adcp.amplitude + 20*log10(adcp.range) + 2*config.soundAbsorptionCoefficient*adcp.range, adcp.meanBackscatter calculated by beam-averaging the volume backscatter (accounting for dB scale). adcp.meanBackscatter and adcp.backscatter have units of relative dB. Ensemble file created by box-car average resampling to a ensemble interval of 60 seconds (raw data ensemble interval: 6 seconds). data.amplitude was averaged normally, while data.backscatter and data.meanBackscatter were averaged by first converting the logarithmic dB scale to linear, averaging, then converting back.For information on the various processing steps applied, see '
           CREATION_DATE                       = '20210927T201637Z in QA'
           time_coverage_start                 = '20191027T000130Z'
           time_coverage_end                   = '20191027T235530Z'
           device_id                           = 24420
           device_heading                      = 297
           platform_depth                      = 981
           site_name                           = 'CanyonAxis_IP_2018-06'
           device_name                         = 'Nortek Signature55 Current Profiler 200066'
           location_name                       = 'Barkley Canyon'
           search_id                           = 10439788
           firmware_version                    = ''
           hardware_revision                   = 
           frequency                           = 55
           serial_number                       = ''
           orientation                         = 'Up'
           beam_angle                          = 20
           adcp_setup_measurement_interval_sec = 6
           adcp_setup_average_interval_sec     = 240
           adcp_setup_number_beams             = 3
           adcp_setup_number_cells             = 109
           adcp_setup_number_pings             = 40
           adcp_setup_blanking_distance_meters = 0.2
           adcp_setup_cell_size_meters         = 10
           time      = 1435
           depth     = 109
           latitude  = 1
           longitude = 1
           Size:       1435x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   double
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'time'
                       long_name          = 'time of measurement'
                       units              = 'days since 19700101T000000Z'
                       axis               = 'T'
                       calendar           = 'gregorian'
           Size:       109x1
           Dimensions: depth
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'depth'
                       long_name          = 'water depth of final velocity measurement bins'
                       units              = 'meters'
                       axis               = 'Z'
                       positive           = 'down'
                       comment            = 'Water depth for the u (east), v (north), w (up), velocityError seawater velocity bins, accounting for bin-mapping'
           Size:       109x1
           Dimensions: depth
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'depth'
                       long_name          = 'water depth of beam-averaged measurement bins, tilt-corrected'
                       units              = 'meters'
                       axis               = 'Z'
                       positive           = 'down'
                       comment            = 'Water depth of measurement bins corrected for tilt, applies to meanBackscatter (beam-averaged backscatter)'
           Size:       109x1
           Dimensions: depth
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'range'
                       long_name          = 'range from transducer'
                       units              = 'meters'
                       axis               = 'Z'
                       comment            = 'Range of measurement bins from the transducer, applies to all parameters except: u, v, w, velocityError when bin-mapping is on and meanBackscatter'
           Size:       1x1
           Dimensions: latitude
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'latitude'
                       long_name          = 'latitude'
                       units              = 'degrees_north'
                       axis               = 'Y'
           Size:       1x1
           Dimensions: longitude
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'longitude'
                       long_name          = 'longitude'
                       units              = 'degrees_east'
                       axis               = 'X'
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'eastward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'eastward sea water velocity'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'northward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'northward sea water velocity'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'upward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'upward sea water velocity'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_nam = 'sound_intensity_level_in_water'
                       long_name         = 'acoustic doppler current profiler beam-averaged corrected acoustic backscatter'
                       units             = 'dB'
                       _FillValue        = -9999999
                       comment           = 'beam averaged and corrected for two-way beam spreading and attenuation, not bin-mapped, use with tilt-corrected water depth'
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler return signal strength intensity beam 1'
                       units              = 'counts'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler return signal strength intensity beam 2'
                       units              = 'counts'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'signal_intensity_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_sensor_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler return signal strength intensity beam 3'
                       units              = 'counts'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler correlation magnitude beam 1'
                       units              = 'percent'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler correlation magnitude beam 2'
                       units              = 'percent'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'beam_consistency_indicator_from_multibeam_acoustic_doppler_velocity_profiler_in_sea_water'
                       long_name          = 'acoustic doppler current profiler correlation magnitude beam 3'
                       units              = 'percent'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument'
                       long_name          = 'radial velocity beam 1'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument'
                       long_name          = 'radial velocity beam 2'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       109x1435
           Dimensions: depth,time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'radial_sea_water_velocity_away_from_instrument'
                       long_name          = 'radial velocity beam 3'
                       units              = 'meters/second'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       1435x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'sea_water_temperature'
                       long_name          = 'sea water temperature'
                       units              = 'K'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       1435x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'platform_pitch_angle'
                       long_name          = 'pitch'
                       units              = 'degrees'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       1435x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'platform_roll_angle'
                       long_name          = 'roll'
                       units              = 'degrees'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999
           Size:       1435x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   single
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'sea_water_pressure'
                       long_name          = 'sea water pressure'
                       units              = 'dbar'
                       _FillValue         = -9999999

Above example may be out of date. Recent changes include: added compass heading, updated units.


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