For hydrophone data products only (audio and spectrogram data) on the hydrophone array devices only:


This option will cause the search to return results for hydrophone channel H1 only. The hydrophone arrays consist of multiple hydrophones connected to a single data acquisition computer, which collects the data into single files that have multiple channels (nominally raw hydrophone array files, although other formats can handle multiple channels). Data products may be produced from these files on a per channel basis and returned as specified.

This is the default option.

Oceans 2.0 API filterdpo_hydrophoneChannel=H1

File-name mode field

'H1' is added to the file-name when the hydrophone channel option is set to H1, i.e. IOS3HYDARR02_20111211T152404.000Z-spect-H1.pdf.


This option will cause the search to return results for hydrophone channel H2 only.

Oceans 2.0 API filter: dpo_hydrophoneChannel=H2

File-name mode field

'H2' is added to the file-name when the hydrophone channel option is set to H2, i.e. IOS3HYDARR02_20111211T152404.000Z-spect-H2.png.


This option will cause the search to return results for hydrophone channel H3 only.

Oceans 2.0 API filterdpo_hydrophoneChannel=H3

File-name mode field

'H2' is added to the file-name when the hydrophone channel option is set to H3, i.e. IOS3HYDARR02_20120801T090939.000Z-H3.mp3.


This option will cause the search to return results for all available hydrophone channels.

Oceans 2.0 API filterdpo_hydrophoneChannel=All

File-name mode field

'H1', 'H2', 'H3', etc are added to the file-name.