Collaboration Tools Discussion

Currently, we offer two main tools for collaboration, the NEPTUNE Canada Wiki and our Jira Issue Tracking system.


The NEPTUNE Canada Wiki (you're looking at it right now) is a place where project teams can hold discussions, share files, and accumulate a project paper trail. There is a custom Wiki "space" for each main research project, which only members of that project can access.

We're very interested in your ideas and suggestions on how to improve the wiki and make it more useful (post a comment below).


Jira is NEPTUNE Canada's issue tracking system. Anyone can use it, just visit the Jira page and click Dmas External. You can see issues related to various instruments, who's working on resolving them. If you're logged in, you can also submit new issues, and you'll be notified by email as they're worked on by our team.

Code Runner

Our data acquisition system is amassing a very large and growing dataset. Although you can download data from our website to work with on your own computer, it becomes increasingly difficult to do this as the dataset expands. We're proposing to turn this way of doing things upside down, allowing you to upload your analysis routines to our computers and run them on the NEPTUNE Canada servers with direct connection to the database. This frees you from having to download and manage large data files, and allows you to improve and even share your code with others.

If you're interested in learning more about this, see last year's presentation.

The Future: Project Environment

In the future, we hope to create a project environments, where you can work as teams to access & analyze data, control instruments, track issues, share files, hold virtual meetings and work together to write manuscripts and other documents. Getting from here to there is a huge project, and we are interested in your ideas.

We invite you to post your ideas, requests, questions and comments about our current and future collaboration tools. Also, if you would like access to a particular wiki team space or want to get a Jira account, please write your request below. (Just click Add Comment below.)

1 Comment

  1. Unknown User (dwowens)

    Your 2 Cents

    Please post your comments and questions here.