RBR Ruskin File

These are SQLite database files and any programming language supporting SQLite can be used for reading them. It is important to know the schema of the table structure before reading these files. 

Oceans 3.0 API filterdataProductCode=RBRRF

Oceans 3.0 API filter: extension=rsk

Revision History

20150319: Data product initially released

Data Product Options

No options

Format of RBRConcerto CTD, RBRquartz3 APT, RBRquartz3 BPR and RBRquartz3 BPRzero files

This data is available in RSK format. Content descriptions and example files are provided below.


It is possible to read RSK files from any programming language that supports SQLite, such as this one. It is important to know the schema of RSK file table structure. RBR has developed tools for opening RSK files for MATLAB and R. RBR also has the Ruskin software for reading the .rsk files, as well as deploying, downloading, and displaying the data from their loggers. A Python package is under development by RBR for reading these files.

Structure of the .rsk file when opened with Ruskin

The files include 4 tabs: Analysis, Overview, Channels, and File info tab. For up-to-date information regarding Ruskin display when opening rsk files, refer to the RBR website.

Analysis tab

The Analysis tab contains information and settings for configuring the calibration information and to display statistical information.

Overview Tab

When a file is selected and plotted, the overview tab can be selected to display general information about the dataset. This is also the form on which you can enter a comment for the dataset and then press Save comment to save it.

Channel Tab

The Channels tab display three additional tabs: Information, Calibration, and Parameters.

  • The Information tab displays the measured parameters, the sensor manufacturer and the range setting. The type of derived channels and how it is calculated is displayed in a separate table.
  • The Calibration tab displays the calibration coefficients for each channel (sensor) present.
  • The Parameters tab displays the values of the parameters, default values if other required parameters are required, and the method used to calculate the derived channels.
File Info Tab

When a file is selected and plotted the File info tab can be selected to display information about the file.

Example from an RBRquartz3 APT


Format of RBRCervata files

This data is available in RSK format. Content descriptions and example files are provided below.


The raw data format is the SQLite format produced by RBR logger which is an object of class rsk.  To open this file, use an SQLite tools such as this one. The .rsk files from RBRCervata can be read only by this type of application and cannot be opened with RBR's Ruskin software.

Example from and RBRCervata


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