What is SeaTube Pro?

Fixed Location Cameras (SeaTube Pro) lets you watch, search, and annotate on videos from observatory cameras both above and below water, as well as Remotely-Operated Vehicles (ROV's).

How to Use SeaTube Pro and its Features

1. SeaTube Pro: Introduction

The SeaTube Pro application allows you to play a video, annotate it, and/or save your favorite clips from the available cruises and fixed observatory cameras. In its landing page, you will see two collapsible panels and a main panel that shows the video, dive log entries, and your annotations.

2. SeaTube Pro: Quick Instructions

  1. Choose a Video - On the Video tab at left, choose a video from either Cruises or Locations. Once you have chosen a video, some details about it will reflect on top of the screen. (See Video Details)
    1. Cruises contain underwater videos recorded by ROPS during expeditions at sea. Select a Dive and choose a video from the list. Note: if your Internet connection is slow, it may take some moments for the dive list to appear.
    2. Locations lists videos from our seafloor webcams (see illustration below). These are listed by location, date and time.
  2. Play the Video - After the video loads, use the video controls to play, pause and expand the video. There is also a speed option in the wheel icon.
3. SeaTube Pro: Other Features

You can maximize your view by collapsing the two panes on each side of the screen.

The camera types used for the recording are shown on top of the video screen as the title of the tabs. Digital Still Cameras tab provides still images from the video.

On the right top, you will also see the available features you can do in SeaTube Pro.

  1. Permalink - this gives you a direct link to the video that you can share.
  2. Annotation - this allows you to create an annotation. All your annotations will be reflected in 'My Annotations' tab. (More about the Annotation system)
  3. Snapshot - this lets you capture an interesting image from the video. 
  4. Record Button - this give you the ability to record clips from the videos and save them in your Playlist.
4. SeaTube Pro: Saving Snapshots

A box with nine still-frame images will appear once you click the Snapshot button. To enlarge one of these images, click on it and/or right-click the image to save it to your computer. 

5. SeaTube Pro: Recording and Saving Clips

Making Playlists

SeaTube allows you to create playlists from clips you find in the video archives.

Creating Playlists

  1. To start a playlist, find a clip of interest, cue to the start of the section you want to capture, then click the Start Recording button.
  2. When you reach the end of your section of interest, click the same button to stop recording.
  3. A window pops up, letting you add the selection to a new or existing playlist.
  4. Enter a name and click Save.

Adding Clips to a Playlist

You can select additional clip segments and add them to the playlist.

6. SeaTube Pro: Replaying Clips and Managing Playlists

Replaying Playlists

After creating a playlist, you can view and replay it by clicking its name under the Playlists tab.

To manage your playlists, you can go to More > SeaTube V3 > Playlist Management. In here, you can see the list of your playlists and delete or share them.

7. SeaTube Pro: Information Tabs

Use the tabs above the map to view:

  • Location the video came from (Map tab)
  • Vertical profile of ROPOS depth over the course of the dive (not available for seafloor camera clips)
  • Detailed information about the dive or camera location

8. SeaTube Pro: Comment Searches

There are two ways to do a search in SeaTube Pro:

  1. Search All Videos button - this is located on top of the Information Tabs and it allows you to do a search on all videos available based on the comments.
  2. Search Comments - this allows you to search on the comments of the video you are playing.

Demo Video (Narrated)