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  • You can view Geospatial Map without logging in, but you need an account and permissions to view all of the data.

What is it?

The Community Fishers Map lets you browse, preview and download CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth) casts from the Community Fishers program.

Why is this useful?

This application is specially designed for the Community Fishers program, and has been built as a low-bandwidth friendly interface, which means it will perform better for people lacking high-speed Internet connections. (Note that there is a special version of the Geospatial Map which was developed for ONC's Arctic partners, which is optimized for especially low-bandwidth connections. This can be accessed via

Steps on how to the use map are also available in demo videos.

Large-scale overview

When started, the map includes casts from the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic. Each blue marker indicates a cast location. The first ID code in each white box (e.g. CF099) is the Station Name. The second code, enclosed within parentheses (e.g. IQD1) is the Community Fishers Patrol Name. Zoom in to see locations of individual casts. (click to enlarge)

Narrowing the time window

Click the green icon in the bottom right of the map to display the Cast Date Filter pop-up, which allows you to search for casts between specific time frames on the map.

Click Clear Filter to empty all time fields and reset the map to show all casts


Viewing plotted data

Zooming in to the local scale, octagons appear beneath each blue marker. Click the octagons to reveal pop-up displays of cast data. Click the graph to enlarge it. 

The most recent plot appears first; you can view previous casts by clicking the MORE link.

Cast data (in aligned and depth-binned format) can be downloaded directly by clicking DOWNLOAD .COR. (click to enlarge)

Enlarging the plot

Click the thumbnail graph to enlarge it. Learn more about this multi-profile plot format. Several key parameters, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll and oxygen are included in the plot, but additional parameters are included in the .COR file.

 (click to enlarge)

Switching base maps

Several different types of base map are available; switch the base map from the Layers icon in the lower-right corner. (click to enlarge)

Data products and annotations

When multiple casts are available from a single location, the most recent plot is listed first; click MORE to browse and preview previous casts. The MORE pop-up window allows you to generate plots, download .COR files and view annotations. You can also select casts from this location for bulk download in the Data Search application. (click to enlarge)

The annotations list displays any annotations made for the selected cast (not all casts have annotations). Filter according to desired options after clicking the three dots (⋮) icon in the top right corner. (click to enlarge)

Clicking away from the pop-up returns you to the Filtered Casts card.

Downloading data

Clicking DOWNLOAD .COR allows you to save the data file to your computer. Data have been run through quality controls and averaged over depth. (click to enlarge) 

Learn more about the Aligned and Depth-Binned Profile data file format.

The .COR format is a text file, which can be opened in a standard text editor. Cast data acknowledgements section lists both the owner and the distributor of the data.

Future developments

In addition to the Community Fishers data, Geospatial Map also provides access to EEW Heartbeat data from the Ocean Networks Canada's Earthquake Early Warning network. Display these different data sets via the layers icon. (click to enlarge)