What is it?

This page displays earthquakes detected by Ocean Networks Canada seismic sensors. Larger earthquakes (over 4.0 on the Richter scale) from the previous 12 months are displayed, with one hour of seismic data previewed below.

Why is this useful?

This page makes it easy for everyone to see the most recent, larger earthquakes that have been detected by Ocean Networks Canada's sensors. Other earthquake data and educational resources are available from sources such as USGS and IRIS.

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The page displays a Google Earth map of the world. Red circles represent earthquakes larger than 4 on the Richter scale, size indicates relative magnitude. (click to enlarge)

The Event table (right) displays Magnitude, Date, and Location. Click on the column header to change the sort order. Click on any row will update the map and the seismic display for the selected earthquake.

Hovering your mouse over the data display shows the time difference from the event, to the detection at Ocean Networks Canada's array.

The Legacy Dashboard opens a new page that shows the dashboard in full page.