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This data product is an annotation (.an) file containing a record of potential movement detections in the ARIS sonar data as generated by the data product post-processor only. As such as, these files may not yet be generated and made available for all ARIS files; Data Search will return only the files that are in the archive (Unlike ARIS MAT and MP4 files that may be generated on-the-fly from ARIS files). Movement detections by the post-processor also trigger an email to be sent out to subscribers with the same information as stored in this file (Contact us if you would like your email address to be added post-processor's recipient list). The algorithm is simple and described in the file itself email (see below). The parameters have been tuned for the initial data that is available in the first week of ARIS operation, but may change at a later date. We predict that the algorithm will generate false-positive detections for interference, although such interference doesn't appear in the live data (only observed in test tank data).


No Format
#ARIS Movement Detection Results, created by ARIS Sonar Matlab Postprocess Job, at 19-May-2017 17:57:51 UTC, for file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4. Results summary: 9 detection(s), totalling 40.5 seconds.
#resourcetype: Device Data
#"Name","Start Date","End Date","Quality Flag","Quality Comment","Comment"
23881,20170511T190029.553Z,20170511T190038.554Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 48; duration: 18 frames (9 seconds)
23881,20170511T190039.053Z,20170511T190046.553Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 67; duration: 15 frames (7.5 seconds)
23881,20170511T190050.553Z,20170511T190054.553Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 90; duration: 8 frames (4 seconds)
23881,20170511T190225.553Z,20170511T190228.053Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 280; duration: 5 frames (2.5 seconds)
23881,20170511T190229.053Z,20170511T190231.053Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 287; duration: 4 frames (2 seconds)
23881,20170511T190331.553Z,20170511T190335.553Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 412; duration: 8 frames (4 seconds)
23881,20170511T191049.053Z,20170511T191052.553Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 1285; duration: 7 frames (3.5 seconds)
23881,20170511T191054.053Z,20170511T191056.053Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 1295; duration: 4 frames (2 seconds)
23881,20170511T191150.053Z,20170511T191156.053Z,Movement detected in file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T190005.976Z_20170511T191500.053Z.mp4: frame index 1407; duration: 12 frames (6 seconds)


A secondary output is an email, here's an example:

No Format
Subject: Movement detected in ARIS file ARIS3000-1099_20170511T230002.984Z_20170511T231500.073Z.mp4: 3 detection(s), totalling 11.5 seconds (DEV/QA)
ARIS Sonar Matlab Postprocess Job has detected movement in ARIS3000-1099_20170511T230002.984Z_20170511T231500.073Z.mp4.

Detections as follows:
Frame index 91, duration: 7 frames (3.5 seconds)
Frame index 898, duration: 11 frames (5.5 seconds)
Frame index 1682, duration: 5 frames (2.5 seconds)

Movement detection parameters as follows:
arismovementdetection.threshold: 30 3.6
arismovementdetection.minsizeacrossbeam.pixels: 3
arismovementdetection.mintimeseconds: 2

The detection algorithm: subtract the median value of each pixel from
itself to remove the background, then, in each frame, if the number of
pixels above the threshold exceeds the number specified by the size
thresholds (in total, not contiguous), which is 9, and 4 consecutive frames
have this condition, then a detection is made and this alert is generated.

Download link for ARIS video file: (takes up to 15 minutes to become available).

To modify/delete/add this email subscription, go to -> ARIS Sonar Matlab
Postprocess Job -> arismovementdetection.recipients (this field is a
comma-separated list)