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Wiki Markup
h2. Data Products

Here's the place to learn and talk about our data products -- both current and future.

h3. Featured Data Product

[RDI ADCP 15-Minute Ensemble-Averaged Time Series|DP:36] data is now available in MATLAB MATv7 format.

h3. Current Data Products

|| ID || NEPTUNE Canada \\ || || ID \\ || Interoperability Partners \\ ||
| 1 | [Time Series Scalar Data|DP:1] | | 15 | [ISDM Data Product|DP:15] \\ |
| 2 | [Time Series Scalar Plot|DP:2] \\ | | 16 \\ | [PANGAEA Data  Product|DP:16] |
| 3 | [Borehole Temperature Time Series Plot|DP:3] \\ | | 17 \\ | [POKM Data  Product|DP:17] |
| 4 | [Log File|DP:4] \\ | | | |
| 5 | [RDI ADCP Time Series|DP:5] \\ | | | |
| 36 | [RDI ADCP 15-Minute Ensemble-Averaged Time Series|DP:36] \\ | | | |
| 7 | [WAV Audio File|DP:7] \\ | | | |
| 8 | [CSV With NaNs|DP:8]\\ | | | |
| 9 | [RDI ADCP Daily Current Plot|DP:9] | | | |
| 10 | [RDI ADCP Daily Intensity Plot|DP:10] | | | |
| 11 | [RDI ADCP Daily Correlation Plot|DP:11] | | | |
| 12 | [RDI ADCP Daily Percent Good Plot|DP:12] | | | |
| 14 | [Video File|DP:14] | | | |
| 18 | [AGO Time Series  Plot|DP:18] | | | |
| 19 | [BioSonics Time Series|DP:19] | | | |
| 20 | [Satlantic ISUS Time Series|DP:20] | | | |
| 21 | [Time Series Staircase Plot|DP:21] | | | |
| 22 | [Nortek Profiler Time Series|DP:22] \\ | | | |
| 24 | [ASL AWCP Time Series|DP:24] \\ | | | |
| 25 | [CSEM Receiver Time Series|DP:25] \\ | | | |
| 26 | [RDI Wave Time Series|DP:26] \\ | | | |
| 27 | [Satlantic Radiometer Time Series|DP:27] \\ | | | |
| 33 | [COVIS Plume Imaging Raw Files|DP:33] | | | |
| 34 | [COVIS Diffuse Flow Raw Files|DP:33] | | | |
| 35 | [COVIS Plume Doppler Raw Files|DP:35] | | | |
| 52 | [Imagenex Data Product|DP:52] | | | |
| 56 \\ | [Time Series Scalar VPS Cast Data Product|] \\ | | | |
| 57 \\ | [Satlantic Radiometer VPS Cast Data Product|] \\ | | | |
| 58 \\ | [Nortek Time Series VPS Cast Data Product|] \\ | | | |
| 59 \\ | [Satlantic ISUS VPS Cast Data Product|] \\ | | | |
| 60 \\ | [ASL AWCP VPS Cast Data Product|] \\ | | | |

h3. Conventions

*Timestamps:* Timestamps are always in UTC and follow the  ISO8601 convention: yyyymmddTHHMMSS.FFFZ. In some cases, the millisecond  portion is omitted.

*Filenames:* For an instrument type search, files are named as DEVICECODE\_{color:#000000}SENSORCODE{color}\_yyyymmddTHHMMSSZ\-{color:#000000}MODE{color}.EXT where

* DEVICECODE is a string unique to each instrument
* SENSORCODE is a string unique to each sensor, and is only included if a single-sensor data product was requested.
* yyyymmddTHHMMSSZ is the timestamp (ISO8601 format) which represents  the initial time for data in the file. May have millisecond information: yyyymmddTHHMMSS.FFFZ, where 'FFF' are the milliseconds.
* MODE is optional text which allows files to be differentiated, as  necessary, when they refer to the same device and share the same  extension. For instance, the VPS cast products supply the end date here.
* EXT is the file extension.

For location search, files are named as STATIONNAME\_{color:#000000}DEVICECATEGORY(DEVICEID){color}\_yyyymmddTHHMMSSZ\-{color:#000000}MODE{color}.EXT where
* STATIONNAME is the station name, including site tree nodes separated by dashes, for example: _BarkleyCanyon-VPSUpperSlope_
* {color:#000000}DEVICECATEGORY{color} is the device category, such as 'CTD'. That alone may not be unique, so (DEVICEID) is used to differentiate the devices.
* yyyymmddTHHMMSSZ is the timestamp (ISO8601 format) which represents  the initial time for data in the file. May have millisecond information: yyyymmddTHHMMSS.FFFZ, where 'FFF' are the milliseconds.
* MODE is optional text which allows files to be differentiated, as   necessary, when they refer to the same device and share the same   extension. For instance, the VPS cast products supply the end date here.
* EXT is the file extension.

h3. File formats

Additional resources for available file formats is available [here|DP:File Formats]

If you have any data product related questions or would like to see additional data products, please [let us know|contact:Contact us].
