December 5, 2024
Major release.
Maintenance & Testing
QAQC needs to get default attribute value when attribute not defined for sensor
- Add Admin > Device Workflow > Device Workflow Bulk Update into dmas menu
- Bug fix: Re-direct to Device Action tab of device detail page after editing a Device Action
Make resourcetype list in IResourceType.java and ResourceType database table match with each other
- Default sorting on Name column in tabs on CableManagement page
- Add DAQ monitoring dashboards in Python ( Latest files archived in the data base for a specific device (with hyperlink) )
- Maintain and expand automated testing
- Feature: Endeavour Earthquake Autolocate is hosted in a private docker registry ready to be deployed on demand
- Improvement: new users'
passwords passphrases must be 15 characters minimum (as per UVic policy) - Improvement: restrict valid dates for annotation entry (1900 to 1 year in the future)
- Improvement: make it easier to copy-paste dates
- Bugfix: DeviceServiceSearchTreeNode cache load no longer gets slower and slower
- Bugfix: don't serialize Vocabulary and SitePosition caches on hosts that don't use serialized caches
- Bugfix: remove FATAL error logs on startup if a task has an invalid schedule
- Bugfix: /LastReadingJSON respects access restrictions
- Bugfix: the archiver won't fill its disk with error logging during Cassandra outages
- Removal: unused columns of tm_taskschedule (startdate, enddate, repeatcount, scheduletype)
- Removal: unused indexes ix_servicelog_servicename_datecreated, servicelog_servicename, archivefile_hist_filename, service_log_datecreated_index, email_dateprocessed, siteposition_positiondate
- Internal changes: support REST URLs with path parameters in the middle of the URL, modernize playlist web services, modularize several Oceans Next base components, refactor forms.
Added default and custom layout features in ST Dive Log beta app
Added a new app for searching/viewing fixed camera locations
- location tree
- location map
- location detail
Added a new app for fixed location cameras playback
Some improvement for the ST Dive Log dashboard
Some improvement for annotation export
A few bug fixes
New Features
service now can returns nulls instead of NaNs with returnOptions=normalizeJson
- DataViewer:
- supports page level date entry which each chart uses (changes to chart date range don't propagate to other charts yet)
- can hide the widget header with the ability to show it on hover and pin it open
- Unused widget types removed from Dashboards Add Widget menu
- Add Licence URL to saved licences
- Agreement licences now explicitly have the default licence associated with them
- Latest Hydrophone Player:
- now shows spectrogram corresponding to latest FLAC, and excludes FFT generated spectrograms
- should show the spectrogram and audio more quickly
- Updated CastPopups to display restriction notification/text in addition to available casts
- Generated SQL to copy data product format attributions from existing dataproductformat to newly added data product format
- Created Community Fishers Data Attribution Post Process java task
- Added parse log files code to determine data attributions
- Created data attributions from parsed tablet log files
- Corrected handling casts that span midnight UTC (4pm PTZ)
- Added test case for casts that spans midnight UTC
Plotting Utility tests
Earthquake Dashboard:
- Now indicate to a user when an IRIS id can't be paired with USGS id
- Added local storage memorization for earthquake signal calls
Data Products
- Bug fixes for soundscape metrics: spikes, handle extended gaps, missing deployments
- Improvements of Endeavour Earthquake Catalogue: hourly runs, duration parameter, deployment process, documentation and automated testing
- Fix for a date time issue, fix for handling bad hydrophone files
- Add Endeavour Earthquake Catalogue page to the landing page and
- Removed openDAP from landing page and added a reference to it on the
- Small performance improvements to the
- Endeavour Earthquake Catalogue and added hex bins to the map
- Allow anonymous access for the
- Endeavour Earthquake Catalogue page
- Allow the date formats '%d.%m.%Y', '%d/%m/%Y' in the public api
- Improvements to the data availability
- The scalardata API now reports min and max times and flags for resampled data (the json data product already did this)
- Junction box API: secure and signed interface for P-ONE project
- Sensor load parser improvements: multiple versions, pre-filter, handle ";" and "Not Used"
Tickets Released: Oceans 3.0: 24.11.000 (accessible to internal users only), total: 212. Automated Testing: AT.24.11.000, total: 26.
Expand |
Bug- [DMAS-42217] - Vocabulary and SitePosition caches don't respect global.cache.serialize.roles
- [DMAS-74065] - Licence URL missing from im_licence
- [DMAS-79745] - DeviceServiceSearchTreeNode cache load gets gradually slower over time
- [DMAS-79880] - EQ cataolog shows wrong unit for distance station to epicentre in map
- [DMAS-80502] - Devices are taking too long to show in the search tree
- [DMAS-80578] - New inputs for typing in dates in File Managment and AnnotionsV2 are cumbersome and prone to error
- [DMAS-81341] - Spikes in soundscape metrics band plots
- [DMAS-81800] - Fix flaky AvailabilityChart.cy.jsx
- [DMAS-81863] - Storybook build errors create warnings in Oceans Next dev builds
- [DMAS-82008] - After saving a device action, the page is not redirected to the correct device details page
- [DMAS-82094] - Export results don't follow the format's file structure
- [DMAS-82194] - Annotation Entry displays "Cancel" when it should display "Clear"
- [DMAS-82196] - Layouts are synchronized between live and historical tabs. They should be stored seperately
- [DMAS-82215] - Fix failing datapreviewmanagement tests
- [DMAS-82231] - ESlint warnings on main caused by conflicts
- [DMAS-82238] - NeptuneVelocityServlet inappropriately logs FATAL errors
- [DMAS-82239] - InternalScheduler logs FATAL errors if a task's schedule is invalid
- [DMAS-82244] - Fix incorrect date format in linked files
- [DMAS-82245] - 'getOne' operation on DerivedSensorParserDefinitionService swaps sensorId and parserDefinitionId parameters
- [DMAS-82253] - Archivers failed to buffer all CQL statements during Cassandra outage
- [DMAS-82264] - Ingestion CSV exports don't only export default camera annotations
- [DMAS-82292] - main is broken by incorrect import caused by conflicts
- [DMAS-82294] - ST maps are not resized properly
- [DMAS-82302] - Fix ts bug from SizeMe change (DMAS-82188)
- [DMAS-82312] - LastReadingJSON doesn't respect access restrictions
- [DMAS-82336] - Fix errors caused by licence code merge (DMAS-82059)
- [DMAS-82351] - Data Player playline fails to move when synced with audio widget
- [DMAS-82377] - Casts that span midnight are not being handled correctly
- [DMAS-82394] - Fix some failed tests in ML CORK parser definition
- [DMAS-82397] - Attempt to address intermittent "styled-default" vite build error
- [DMAS-82415] - Oceans Next code coverage results aren't displaying properly in Jenkins
- [DMAS-82418] - DiveLogDashboard.Historical Mode.Widget Communication.Highlights the correct annotation and seeks video to the timestamp when a map annotation is clicked, possibly flakey
- [DMAS-82423] - MatlabFilePostProcessor trying to write to read-only AD file location
- [DMAS-82425] - Fix Failing DataViewerDashboard Cypress Test
- [DMAS-82431] - not able to download files through File Management page in qa
- [DMAS-82436] - Cypress not running on windows with vite build
- [DMAS-82445] - Change import for busted node module
- [DMAS-82467] - Qaqc needs to get default attribute value when attribute not defined for sensor
- [DMAS-82477] - PATCH requests all fail in QA
- [DMAS-82510] - DataPreviewWidget Cypress Test Failing
- [DMAS-82516] - Fix faulty YUI implementation of playlist services
- [DMAS-82517] - Unable to delete playlists or clips
- [DMAS-82518] - The dropdown for existing playlists is not being populated in SeaTube Search
- [DMAS-82521] - Incorrect snackbar when creating a new playlist from SeaTube Search
- [DMAS-82527] - Correlator JVM fails to start up correctly on 24.11.000
- [DMAS-82531] - Can't create a fixed location camera playlist in QA using ST Pro
- [DMAS-82536] - Error snackbar on stating: "Invalid parameter locationCode. No data found for value false" on Datasearch for Instruments by Category
- [DMAS-82554] - Unable to save Site Devices without offsets
- [DMAS-82572] - Fix SiteDeviceMaintenance sending string "undefined" as batchId
User Story- [DMAS-51217] - As ONC Software Engineering, I want an online repository of snapshot & dependency jars so that I can reuse precompiled code
- [DMAS-80471] - As a developer, I would like faster Oceans Next builds
- [DMAS-81178] - As a data steward, I would like CC BY 4.0 set as the default value when creating a new data agreement
- [DMAS-81690] - Small Improvements to the Endeavour Earthquake Catalog to prepare for the workshop
- [DMAS-81760] - As a software developer I would like operational improvements on the endeavour earthquake autolocate project
- [DMAS-81764] - As a fixed camera logger, I would like to create a public or unlisted annotation
- [DMAS-81786] - As a ST developer, I would like a new page to view fixed location camera footage
- [DMAS-81823] - Add Chart Widget to layout
- [DMAS-81833] - Support one place to enter date range
- [DMAS-81855] - As a system operator, I want to be able to deploy a dockerized project to QA and production without needing to build it on each docker host
- [DMAS-81889] - As a ST developer, I would like to add a tree widget to the fixed camera locations page
- [DMAS-81891] - As a ST developer, I would like to add a map widget to the fixed camera locations page
- [DMAS-81892] - As a ST developer, I would like to add a details widget to the fixed camera locations page
- [DMAS-82015] - Create a User Defined Dashboards V2 page
- [DMAS-82097] - As a SeaTube User, I would like to be able to save and apply different dashboard layouts to the new dive log (II)
- [DMAS-82304] - As a software developer, I want to remove useless columns in the tm_taskschedule table so I don't need to understand what they're for
- [DMAS-82329] - As a ST developer, I would like to add a details widget to the fixed camera locations page (I)
Task- [DMAS-77945] - Increase Minimum password length in dmas
- [DMAS-78008] - Update Share* components to typescript, functional components
- [DMAS-79111] - As a seatube developer, I want playlist web services to be RESTful to simplify maintenance
- [DMAS-79141] - Extend date format input for API requests
- [DMAS-80588] - Convert WebRequest to be a namespace import
- [DMAS-81203] - Provide RDM team with SQL to copy data product format attributions from existing dataproductformat to newly added data product format
- [DMAS-81205] - Indicate to a user when an IRIS id can't be paired with USGS id
- [DMAS-81347] - Add service parameter to scalar data web service so data is returned in RFC 8259 standard format
- [DMAS-81494] - Simulator for Inertial Measurement Unit
- [DMAS-81699] - Upgrade VideoWidget, VideoWidgetDisplay, VideoWidgetConfig
- [DMAS-81767] - As a fixed camera logger, I would like to see detailed information about a fixed camera location from the playback page
- [DMAS-81831] - Ensure that the latest hydrophone player shows the corresponding spectrogram for the audio file it's playing, handling the case of FFT-source data
- [DMAS-81876] - Refactor: The DiveLogDashboard cypress test file
- [DMAS-82023] - Switch all page load failures from manual global.open calls to redirect page & update faulty cypress tests against it
- [DMAS-82047] - As a SeaTube user, I would like something more noticeable to indicate I am viewing historical video for a dive in progress
- [DMAS-82096] - Write Dashboard level cypress tests for the fixed camera locations dashboard
- [DMAS-82222] - Widget Tests Upgrade - InteractivePlotWidget
- [DMAS-82230] - Make it possible to call WebParameters.matchPath from HttpServlet.service in service factories
- [DMAS-82242] - Drop support for task parameter "all.runs.required"
- [DMAS-82273] - Add link to docs for DmasRestService
- [DMAS-82317] - Increase the number of machines used for cypress runs
- [DMAS-82318] - Look into vite for cypress builds
- [DMAS-82322] - Run cypress on port 3001 so it can be run in tandem with webpack deploy
- [DMAS-82334] - As a fixed camera user, I would like to play a single clip
- [DMAS-82374] - Remove ability to access location search in SeaTube Search
- [DMAS-82376] - DeviceWorkflowBulkUpdate: Add non-visible selector Row id for increased Accessibility
- [DMAS-82380] - Send an email *whenever* renovate builds fail
- [DMAS-82396] - Improve performance of getting latest files from archivefile
- [DMAS-82427] - Enhance Endeavour Earthquake Catalogue site presence
- [DMAS-82434] - add DeviceWorkflowBulkUpdate page in dmas menu
- [DMAS-82448] - As a developer I would like faster dev server start times
- [DMAS-82454] - Untrack .vscode folder and add it to vscode-ony-helper repo
- [DMAS-82479] - Remove unused widgets from widget menu and order alphabetically
- [DMAS-82484] - please make resourcetype enum in IResourceType.java and ResourceType database table match with each other
- [DMAS-82496] - Please, create SystemStatePumping sensorattributes on new System State sensors
- [DMAS-82522] - update open api description to include opendap info
Implementation- [DMAS-76899] - Update AnnotationSearchPage.cy.tsx to use testing-library
- [DMAS-80507] - Modernize transactions in user & organization code
- [DMAS-80508] - Modernize transactions in SearchTreeNodeManagerImpl
- [DMAS-80990] - Add UserOrganizationService to support CRUD user_org database table
- [DMAS-81186] - Update CastPopup to display restriction notification/text in addition to available casts
- [DMAS-81566] - Implement saving and applying custom layouts in SeaTube
- [DMAS-81567] - Implement update and delete actions on custom layouts
- [DMAS-81633] - Junction Box API Implementation
- [DMAS-81639] - Public key upload Backend
- [DMAS-81640] - Allow assigning devices to a group through user permission.
- [DMAS-81701] - VideoWidgetDisplay: typescript and functional
- [DMAS-81702] - VideoWidgetConfig: typescript and functional
- [DMAS-81797] - Create a new app that renders an empty dashboard for the fixed camera viewer
- [DMAS-81798] - Create a servlet that will be the home of the new "viewer" page for fixed cameras
- [DMAS-81811] - Move Card, Collapse, Dialog to base-components
- [DMAS-81817] - Implement DeviceSyncConfig as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-81825] - Modularize translations
- [DMAS-81861] - VideoWidget: typescript and functional
- [DMAS-81879] - Create Community Fishers Data Attribution Post Process task - Java
- [DMAS-81897] - Implement DeviceSearchParameterTab as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-81965] - Parse log files to determine data attributions
- [DMAS-81968] - Create a dummy widget to be used for testing header features
- [DMAS-82007] - allow for resampling the datavailability and default to reporting continuous data intervals
- [DMAS-82009] - Create a new widget to render the fixed camera location tree
- [DMAS-82010] - Refactor existing tree code to modern standards for use in the fixed camera locations tree widget
- [DMAS-82012] - Create a new map widget for use on fixed camera locations page
- [DMAS-82019] - Update dal layer for licenceurl on Licence domain object
- [DMAS-82020] - Update service code for licenceurl in LicenceService
- [DMAS-82021] - Update front end to fetch and edit licenceurl on the licence management page
- [DMAS-82046] - Implement SiteDeviceSubsetRePostProcess as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82048] - Create Cypress Tests for ShareDialog, ShareSimple, ShareAdvanced
- [DMAS-82050] - Share*: typescript and functional
- [DMAS-82057] - Create a SeaTube Details widget
- [DMAS-82058] - Add How-To documentation for the details widget
- [DMAS-82059] - Make minor refactoring changes to update Licence table and add LicenceURL
- [DMAS-82061] - Create data attributions from parsed tablet log files
- [DMAS-82101] - Implement QaqcAttributesConfig as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82182] - Implement DriverScheduleConfig as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82188] - Move drag scroll & sizeMe to base-components
- [DMAS-82199] - Implement SiteDeviceMaintenanceRW as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82203] - Move form, image-list, input-adornment to base-components
- [DMAS-82204] - Move lightbox to base-components
- [DMAS-82212] - Change dockerfile to copy any package.json files in subdirectories
- [DMAS-82216] - Implement pin & overlay functionality to header
- [DMAS-82226] - InteractivePlotWidgetConfig Test Update
- [DMAS-82232] - Implement shared config for dashboards
- [DMAS-82233] - Implement ParserDefinitionMaintenance as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82241] - Use dashboard config on data viewer for date range
- [DMAS-82251] - Push Endeavour Earthquake Autolocate docker images to our registry from CI
- [DMAS-82260] - Earthquake Activity Plot should show hourly when zoomed in enough
- [DMAS-82262] - use hex bins for the map display
- [DMAS-82275] - Move parseDmasAPIResponse & postImpl out of WebRequest
- [DMAS-82276] - Make WebRequest.put no longer a class function
- [DMAS-82277] - Make WebRequest.post no longer a class function
- [DMAS-82278] - Make WebRequest.patch no longer a class function
- [DMAS-82279] - Make WebRequest.get no longer a class function
- [DMAS-82282] - Make WebRequest no longer an imported class and make Temp the active version
- [DMAS-82286] - Implement SiteDeviceSubsetMaintenance as a typescript functional component using react-hook-form
- [DMAS-82296] - Set up a group for making public fixed camera annotations
- [DMAS-82297] - Update the permissions service to provide info on whether the user can make public fixed camera annotations
- [DMAS-82298] - Update annotation-saving logic to check for fixed camera annotation publishing permissions
- [DMAS-82301] - Add playground page, "User Defined Dashboards", using new Dashboard framework
- [DMAS-82303] - Drop large unused database indexes
- [DMAS-82305] - Remove references to these columns from backend code
- [DMAS-82307] - Drop these columns from the database
- [DMAS-82313] - Make remainder of WebRequest methods named exports
- [DMAS-82324] - Deprecate RecurringSearchJob task type
- [DMAS-82340] - Delete Unused TextWidget* Enzyme Tests
- [DMAS-82343] - ImageWidget* Tests
- [DMAS-82345] - AudioPlayerWidget* Tests
- [DMAS-82346] - ChartWidget* Tests
- [DMAS-82352] - Digital Signature Test Code
- [DMAS-82353] - Deduplicate React from generator & libraries
- [DMAS-82355] - Move Popover, Select, Slide, Slider to base-components
- [DMAS-82356] - Improve eearthquake plot performance when plotting 100k+ earthquakes
- [DMAS-82357] - Move stepper, Text, ToggleButton, Transition to base-components
- [DMAS-82361] - Modify jest types to not conflict with cypress
- [DMAS-82366] - LatestReadingsWidget* Tests
- [DMAS-82368] - DataPreviewWidget* Tests
- [DMAS-82378] - Move Box, Checkbox, Chip, ClickAwayListener to base-components
- [DMAS-82383] - Move buttons to base-components
- [DMAS-82385] - Add diagnostic logging to DeviceServiceSearchTreeNodeCacheLoader
- [DMAS-82390] - Create useQuery for using WebRequests get function
- [DMAS-82412] - Shorten error messages when writing to Cassandra
- [DMAS-82444] - Run autolocate code hourly instead of daily
- [DMAS-82465] - DataPlayerWidget* Tests Upgrade
- [DMAS-82468] - Set fields to exclude from serialization when activating DeviceServiceSearchTreeNodeCacheLoader
- [DMAS-82470] - Replace null values in organizationagreement table with CC-by-4.0 and make column non-null
- [DMAS-82471] - Use default value to set licence for organizationagreement when creating a new one
- [DMAS-82486] - Add duration mode parameter to Endeavour Earthquake Autolocate task
- [DMAS-82491] - CableManagement: change default sort to be based on Name column
Test- [DMAS-81646] - Test edge cases - matlab dies, canceled task, etc
- [DMAS-82214] - Add Cypress Test for new Chart Widget
- [DMAS-82381] - Add test case for cast that spans midnight UTC
Bug (ST)- [DMAS-80750] - "Not Used" and ";" not working properly
- [DMAS-80807] - SensorLoad check needs to be able to handle values with pre-filter/formula
- [DMAS-81542] - Generate timestamp for Min and Max sampleTimes -all webservices
- [DMAS-81847] - Fix issue where cypress tests from base-components aren't shown when failing
- [DMAS-82289] - Soundscape metrics plots missing data from previous deployments
- [DMAS-82290] - Soundscape metrics data product order segmentation cannot handle extended periods of no data
- [DMAS-82291] - Multiple files downloaded for one week of SPDdata with weekly file breaks
- [DMAS-82342] - Issue with multiple ParserVersion
- [DMAS-82429] - Restrict start & end dates for annotation entry inputs
- [DMAS-82430] - Allow easier copying of date inputs
Investigation- [DMAS-82022] - Ensure requirement and design documentation are up-to-date and correct for licenceurl
- [DMAS-82249] - Figure out how to use Harbor
Documentation- [DMAS-82013] - Create a how-to for the fixed camera locations map widget
- [DMAS-82014] - Create a how-to for the fixed camera locations tree widget
- [DMAS-82472] - Document requirement changes
- [DMAS-82487] - Write documentation for Endeavour Earthquake Autolocate task
- Staging topology tool
- Device Workflow Bulk Update
- Cable Management Page (three tabs: cable listing, cable type, and connector type)
- Write DAQ monitoring dashboard in Python (finished 3/8)
- Time series scalar data plot from one sensor — line plot with error bar
- Data Preview png data product –- image
- Time series scalar data plot with two sensors of the same type — line plot with error bar
- New and updated automated tests
Bug Fixes
- Bug fixes in python client library
- In-progress: new system for assigning data products by deployment
- Change cast deletion process to soft delete
- Display message to not logged in users when selecting casts
- Disable cast lasso button for anonymous users
- As a data search user I want the capability to not allow some dataproducts on some searchtreenodes
- Add comment about interpolation method to dataproduct footer
- Update frontend types to receive list of device objects for CTD and NAV
- Elapsed time restriction on siteDeviceSubsetMaintenance is not functioning correctly
- Update database check for overlapping siteDeviceSubsets to exclude deleted siteDeviceSubsets from comparison
- Place set name and community name on one line and devices on a second line within accordion header
- Updates for device package page: make the details cards display responsive, add deviceType names and id's, add distinctive tablet card when it's missing from the package, add tooltips
- Design to allow creating sensor level searches for devices with multiple versions of sensors
- modify dataproduct record to reflect new dataproductcode and name for CF app log file
- stopped users from being able to lasso the same station multiple times and add multiple entries of that same station into the lassoselection
- Ensure that deleting a a SearchTreeNode or a GeospatialArea will always delete the corresponding SearchTreeNodeGeospatialArea record associating the two
- Alter SearchTreeNodeGeospatialArea set new datefrom column to prevent null values
- Add activated/deactivated casting station logic to cast assignment job, API, map and data products
- Support filtering out non reviewed casts based on dataproduct options
- Support cast processing options in Station Profile Animation
- Implement core functionality of Community Fishers Profile Animation data product
- Add documentation for upcoming Community Fishers Profile Animation data product
- Remove some data products from Depth sensors
Bug Fixes
- prevent double save request from frontend on SearchTreeMaintenanceDetail
- Support making a sensor level request when product is mapped to only one of both sensor types
- Prevent Community Fishers Data Preview Searches created without search options
- Misc typos and other errors found in automated testing
- Created database tables and web services for new cable management tool
- Improve performance of DeviceCategoryService
- Ability to delete deviceportid through UI
- Ability to create new parser definition through UI
- Add Modified Date and Modified By of mobile/fixed site position on Site page
- Add tooltips for data product selection table on Data Search page
- Change default zoom level to display all deployed nodes on Data Search page
- Change minimum zoom level on Data Search page
- Sort Instruments by JVM on Device Console page
- Add ability to sort columns of data product attributions on Network Console
- Python client library updates, new process for Python development and continuous integration and automated testing (internal feature)
- Many new / updated / fixed automated tests
Bug Fixes
- Broken "Contact Us" links
- Fix broken QAQC inheritance
- System Console sometimes displays the wrong Oceans Next version
- Add Modified By and Modified Date on Device Workflow Admin page
- Database improvements: improve a number of constraints on field lengths, remove a few deprecated tables, update a few _hist tables to _trx tables for better auditing.
- Remove deprecated code: CANARIE Registry, adcpdata API
- Quarter-scalar-data-generation-cassandra limit number of records to be processed each time
- Update date format for QAQC reprocess and QAQC deletion jobs
- Change property value from sensortypename to sensortypecode in Data Search URL
Bug Fixes
- CSV/JSON data products header should report metadata file name with .xml not .pdf
- User Management: "Select All" doesn't select all data products
- Plotting Utility: Quarter scalar data includes data outside of deployment when it should not
- Updates and bug fixes in automated testing
- Standardized data format for Modified By and Modified Date Oceans 3.0 pages
- Python API library documentation update
- Update web services to add Modified By and Modified Date for device workflow admin page
- Allow to close enlarged images on Search Hydrophone Data page
- Add new data source filter "Restrict data source selection to map-view" on Data Search page. Off by default to prevent tree-trimming.
- Add another order by (modifydate desc) for deviceattributes or sensorattributes on Device Details display
- Draggable dialog box on Device Category page
- Allow colons in the field label of fornfield entries
- Remove groundfault alarm setting for mini JunctionBox with 400 volt ports
- Lots of new or updated or fixed automated tests
Bug Fixes
- Fix ticket creation which was broken by Jira upgrade
Data Products
- Bug fixes: Nortek data for rest of day is missing after a configuration change (in some cases), slow/stuck RDI reading with gappy data
- Better plot titles for supporting global data
- ERDDAPnetCDFpostProcessor ready: added features for automatic dataset switch over as we populate, handling of re-postprocessing, chunking for reliability, filters by device and time for live and re-postprocessing, edge cases
- Finished Playlist update project phase 1
- In-progress: supporting 10+ onship servers
- Some minor improvements
- A few bugs fixed
- Fixed multiple lasso tool bugs
- Fixed CF duration limit accidentally applied to all siteDeviceSubset types
- Fixed CF App Wi-Fi Regression Test patch for CF.3.2.10
- Added DeviceTypeAttribute to track android SDK version for devicetype 267
- Dropped the ErddapDatasetAttribute and ErddapDatasetAttribute_hist table
- Converted CFOverlay to a functional typescript component
- Refactored Cast Selection popup out of CFOverlay
- Added mapId to the context so it isn't passed around everywhere
- Fixed lasso tool on CF map contains undefined reference to assignedCastData
- Added I18n to cut down on code maintenance for Buttons in React