Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


Four formats of Time Series Scalar Data are currently offered: CSV (comma-separated variables), JSON (javascript object notation), ODV (Ocean Data View) and MAT (matlab). CSV, JSON and ODV are text format files readable by any text editor or text-reading capable software. MAT format files are readable by Mathworks Matlab. User requests for additional formats will be seriously considered (we're always happy to help), please Contact us. 

Oceans 2.0 API filter: dataProductCode=TSSD


If there is any clock drift on the instrument, there may be a noticeable jump between the last timestamp in the datagap and the one immediately following, but it should never be more or less than two sample periods.



JSON-formatted data files can be opened with many text editors or any other software capable of parsing JSON format. Each file is limited to a maximum of one hundred thousand records.


No Format
"metadata": {
      "dataSection": {
         "dataProductOptionGap": string,
         "dataProductOptionQualityControl": string,
         "dataQualityAssuranceRemark": string,
         "dateFrom": string,
         "dateTo": "string,
         "minPercentValidData": string,
         "resampleDescription": string,
         "resamplePeriod": string,
         "resampleType": string,
         "samplePeriodTotal": integer,
         "samplePeriods": [
               "samplePeriod": integer,
               "samplePeriodStartTime": string
         "totalSample": integer,
         "totalSampleExpected": integer
      "deviceSection": {
         "deploymentTotal": integer,
         "deviceCategory":  string,
         "deviceDeployments": [
               "deploymentDate": string,
               "deviceCode": string,
               "deviceId": integer,
               "deviceName": string
      "locationSection": {
         "depth": double,
         "latitude": double,
         "longitude": double,
         "stationCode": string,
         "stationName": string
      "originSection": {
         "citations": string,
         "creationDate": string,
         "http": string,
         "metadataFileName": string
         "searchId": integer,
         "source": string
sensorData": [
         "actualSamples": integer,
         "sensor": string,
         "sensorName": string,
         "unitOfMeasure": string,
         "data": [// for ONC-JSON (standard object-based)
            "sampleTime": string,
            "value": double,
            "qaqcFlag": integer
         "data": [ // for OM-JSON (Observations & Measurements)
            "sampleTime": [array of strings],
            "value": [array of doubles],
            "qaqcFlag": [array of integers]


Oceans 2.0 API filterextension=json


TXT (Ocean Data View Spreadsheet File)


Oceans 2.0 API filter: extension=mat 


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