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ASL Binary Raw File Source

Applies to ASL .01a Binary Data Files only.

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This option allows users to choose the source to emulate for the binary files. In the normal raw file acquisition process for ASL echosounders, users can copy the files directly off of the Compact FLASH drive and this format is compatible with EchoView data analysis and visualization software. This is the default option. Alternatively, the Unaltered Serial Stream data is available, this is the data that ONC drivers record in real-time: Big-Endian with packet headers, as if one were recording the RS232 communications directly. Another format that is not offered is called 'Real-time' data. These are .001 files acquired via the ASL software (via RS232 serial communications), but stripped of packet headers and converted to Little-Endian; this source could be added at a future date, upon request.

File-name mode field

The non-default, Unaltered Serial Stream option adds '-SerialStream' file mode modifier.