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titleClick here to expand to see an example Radials (with grid) netCDF structure...

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Global Attributes:
           acknowledgement                = 'Ocean Networks Canada is an initiative of the University of Victoria'
           id                             = 'BLANK'
           naming_authority               = 'Ocean Networks Canada'
           project                        = 'BLANK'
           processing_level               = 'Quality controlled surface current data'
           time_coverage_duration         = 'BLANK'
           time_coverage_resolution       = 'BLANK'
           standard_name_vocabulary       = 'BLANK'
           publisher_name                 = 'Ocean Networks Canada'
           publisher_url                  = ''
           publisher_email                = ''
           title                          = 'Surface Ocean Velocity; Strait of Georgia'
           institution                    = 'Ocean Networks Canada; University of Victoria'
           creator_institution            = 'Ocean Networks Canada'
           creator_name                   = 'Ocean Networks Canada'
           creator_type                   = 'institution'
           creator_email                  = ''
           creator_url                    = ''
           date_created                   = 'see searchID 2038382420383822'
           history                        = 'CODAR radial data (hourly, usually) combined into one file containing ocean surface velocity vector'
           references                     = ''
           source                         = 'CODAR Seasonde HF-Radar ocean surface current mapping device'
           Conventions                    = 'CF-1.7, ACDD-1.3'
           Metadata_conventions           = 'Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0'
           cdm_data_type                  = 'Grid'
           geospatial_bounds              = 'BLANK'
           geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs = 'BLANK'
           geospatial_vertical_min        = 0
           geospatial_vertical_max        = 0
           geospatial_vertical_positive   = 'down'
           sea_name                       = 'Salish Sea'
           instrument                     = 'VATK, VCOL, VGPT, VION'
           summary                        = 'Radial velocity data within a specified radius of each grid coordinate are combined by an unweighted least-squares method using a ONC-modified HFR_Progs (v2.1.2) MATLAB package. Duty cycle is usually hourly. A number of QC tests are applied to the total current velocity data to produce a clean (filtered) data set, building on the tests applied to the radial velocity data sets. See for complete documentation. In the final product, raw and quality controlled total current velocity data and other variable data are placed on a geospatial grid with easting and northing distance to site origin as dimensions. Processing parameters and related quality control information are also provided.'
           keywords                       = 'BLANK'
           comment                        = 'Detailed documentation:'
           geospatial_lat_units           = 'degrees east'
           geospatial_lat_min             = -124.003
           geospatial_lat_max             = 49.4272
           geospatial_lon_units           = 'degrees north'
           geospatial_lon_min             = -124.003
           geospatial_lon_max             = -122.7348
           time_coverage_start            = '29590526T235959Z'
           time_coverage_end              = '29690404T000000Z'
           attrbution                     = 'Ocean Networks Canada Data Archive,, University of Victoria, Canada, Oceanographic Radar System data from 03-Jun-2021 22:00:00 to 03-Jun-2021 23:59:59'
           processing_steps               = 'Radial velocity measurements are obtained from individual radar sites via manufacturer's software and archived in Oceans 2.0 (usually hourly). Upon a user requesting data, a number of QC tests are applied to the raw data to produce a clean (filtered) data set. The test thresholds/parameters are recorded below and in the Radials. QC structure. See for complete documention. 
                                            loadRDLfile loaded radial velocity measurements from ruv files, obtained from individual radar sites via manufacturer's software and archived in Oceans 2.0. 
                                            QARTOD Test 6: Syntax - a collection of tests ensuring proper formatting and existence of fields within a radial file. checkRDLsyntax.m passed all checks on the RUV file header. 
                                            QARTOD Test 7: Max Threshold (radials) - Flags radial surface current speed exceeding the maximum threshold of 150 cm/s. cleanRadialsVel.m cleaned * data points exceeding the maximum radial current speed. 
                                            QARTOD Test 8: Valid Location (radials) - Flags radial surface current velocities placed over land or other invalid measurement areas. cleanRadialsLoc.m cleaned * data points with a VectorFlag value of 128. 
                                            Additional test: Temporal Quality - Flags radial surface current velocities with Radials.Error/temporalQuality (EMTP or STDV in the raw data) equal to a value of 999. cleanRadialsTemp.m cleaned * data points. 
                                            Additional test: Spatial Quality - Flags radial surface current velocities with Radials.spatialQuality (ESPT in the raw data) equal to a value of 999. cleanRadialsSpat.m cleaned * data points. 
                                            * see the relevant flag variable to determine the number of data points cleaned at each step. '
           time           = 28
           x              = 93
           y              = 74
           index          = 1511
           siteNameLength = 2904
           Size:       2x18x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'time'
                       long_name          = 'Time of measurement UTC'
                       units              = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
                       axis               = 'T'
                       calendar           = 'gregorian'
           Size:       93x1
           Dimensions: x
           Datatype:   double
                       long_name = 'Easting distance from the CODAR grid origin'
                       units     = 'km'
                       valid_min = '-46'
                       valid_max = '46'
                       comment   = 'Grid origin coordinates: 49.0675 degrees latitude, -123.3689 degrees longitude. CODAR total ocean surface current velocity grid spacing (in km): 1'
           Size:       74x1
           Dimensions: y
           Datatype:   double
                       long_name = 'Northing distance from the CODAR grid origin'
                       units     = 'km'
                       valid_min = '-33'
                       valid_max = '40'
                       comment   = 'Grid origin coordinates: 49.0675 degrees latitude, -123.3689 degrees longitude. CODAR total ocean surface current velocity grid spacing (in km): 1'
           Size:       290x11511x1
           Dimensions: index
           Datatype:   int32
                       long_name = 'Index of radial velocity samples'
                       units     = '1'
                   lon             comment   = 'Dimension representing the sample number for the radial data arrays'
           Size:       74x938x4
           Dimensions: ytime,xsiteNameLength
           Datatype:   doublechar
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'longitudeplatform_name'
                       long_name          = 'LongitudeSite name at time index'
                       units              = 'degrees_east'
                       axiscomment               = 'X'
Provides the siteName to distinguish the source of combined radial data at each time index'
           Size:       74x93
           Dimensions: y,x
           Datatype:   double
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'longitude'
                       long_name          = 'Longitude'
                       units              = 'degrees_east'
                       axis               = 'X'
                       valid_min          = -180
                       valid_max          = 180
                       reference_datum    = 'geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum'
           Size:       74x93
           Dimensions: y,x
           Datatype:   double
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'latitude'
                       long_name          = 'Latitude'
                       units              = 'degrees_north'
                       axis               = 'Y'
                       valid_min          = -90
                       valid_max          = 90
                       reference_datum    = 'geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'longitude'
                       long_name          = 'Longitude at each radial velocity sampling location'
                       units              = 'degrees_east'
                       axis               = 'X'
                       valid_min          = -180
                       valid_max          = 180
                       reference_datum    = 'geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'latitude'
                       long_name          = 'Latitude at each radial velocity sampling location'
                       units              = 'degrees_north'
                       axis               = 'Y'
                       valid_min          = -90
                       valid_max          = 90
                       reference_datum    = 'geographical coordinates, WGS84 datum'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'Quality controlled eastward component of ocean surface radial velocity'
                       units              = 'cm/s'
                       valid_min          = -150
                       valid_max          = 150
                       ancillary_variable = 'quality_flag'
                       coordinates        = 'time lon lat'
                       comment            = 'Quality controlled eastward component of ocean surface radial velocity.'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'surface_northward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'Quality controlled northward component of ocean surface radial velocity'
                       units              = 'cm/s'
                       valid_min          = -150
                       valid_max          = 150
                       ancillary_variable = 'quality_flag'
                       coordinates        = 'time lon lat'
                       comment            = 'Quality controlled northward component of ocean surface radial velocity.'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'Eastward component of ocean surface raw radial velocity'
                       units              = 'cm/s'
                       ancillary_variable = 'quality_flag'
                       coordinates        = 'time lon lat'
                       comment            = 'Eastward component of ocean surface raw radial velocity.'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'surface_northward_sea_water_velocity'
                       long_name          = 'Northward component of ocean surface raw radial velocity'
                       units              = 'cm/s'
                       ancillary_variable = 'quality_flag'
                       coordinates        = 'time lon lat'
                       comment            = 'Northward component of ocean surface raw radial velocity.'
           Size:       2x2908x1511
           Dimensions: time,index
           Datatype:   double
                       _FillValue         = -999
                       sdn_parameter_name = 'quality_flag'
                       long_name          = 'Overall quality flags for total ocean surface current velocity'
                       flag_meanings      = 'No_quality_control_performed Good_Data Data_probably_good Data_bad_but_potentially_correctable Bad_data Insufficient_valid_data_for_reliable_down_sampling Averaged_value Interpolated_value Missing_value'
                       valid_min          = 0
                       valid_max          = 9
                       flag_values        = [0  1  2  3  4  6  7  8  9]
                       coordinates        = 'time lon lat'
                       comment            = 'Overall quality flags for eastward and northward ocean surface current velocities. For details about quality control tests applied see processing_parameters variable. With more details on ONC's flag meanings: 0 - No quality control performed, 1 - Good. Data passes all tests, 2 - Data probably good, 3 - Data bad but potentially correctable, 4 - Bad data, 6 - Insufficient valid data for reliable down-sampling, 7 - Averaged value, 8 - Interpolated value, 9 - Missing value.'
           Size:       2x18x1
           Dimensions: time
           Datatype:   int32
                       long_name          = 'Coordinate Reference System'
                       grid_mapping_name  = 'latitude_longitude'
                       epsg_code          = 'EPSG:4326'
                       semi_major_axis    = 6378137
                       inverse_flattening = 298.2572
                       comment            = ''
