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Accompanying these files will be .xml configuration metadata files, which are produced with the start of the data and for every configuration change. The format of the XML files is taken from the a recent ASL XML file, produced by AZFPLink version 1.0.30. AWCPs and earlier AZFPs generated a different XML file, while ZAP echosounders had a .cfg file (very similar to an XML file). The .xml file produced for all three echosounders is the AZFPLink version 1.0.30 format, with a few ONC comments to make it clear it wasn't produced by AZFPLink. The differences between all three are largely superficial - the XML tags for the calibration parameters are the same between the AZFP and AWCP echosounders, while the ZAP uses a formula and parameter set for calibration (see the calibration formulas detailed above). Here is an example ONC produced ASL .xml file: ASLAZFP55036_20140911T060000.742Z.xml (Newer versions of this file have a dateTo in the file-name).

A readMe text file accompanies the Compact FLASH format .01a files that aimed at helping EchoView load the data into EchoView, here is the content of that file (with added illustrations):

titleClick here to expand readMe.txt information...

Dear Ocean Networks Canada data user,
This file contains additional instructions for users who wish to load and process our ASL manufacturer's binary format .01a files in EchoView.
All data products have extensive documentation. In this case, please refer to: (The section on .01a files is near the bottom of the page.)
We have learned of a few issues that EchoView users may encounter. (Thanks to our awesome users for their feedback.) These issues are:
* Confusion with the Data Search ISO-19115 metadata XML file. If the metadata XML file is in the same directory as the configuration XML files,
EchoView may attempt to load the metadata XML file, which of course contains no configuration information. Loading will succeed but users will
only see a default configuration in EchoView. How to fix: delete any files ending in META.xml files from the directory containing the .01a files,
delete/clear EchoView to start over, import the .01a files again. How to avoid: when downloading data products from Data Search, users can skip
downloading the META.xml files by clicking on the data product link for each search, instead of the red download button that downloads all
products in a search cart, including the META.xml files. (We do recommend that users keep the META.xml files for reference, perhaps in
a separate directory.)
* EchoView may load the wrong configuration XML file if there are multiple configuration XML files in the directory where the user is loading
.01a files from. How to fix: check the directory where the data products have been unzipped after downloading. If there are multiple configuration
XML files, move each into separate directories. For each configuration, match the .01a files with the configuration XML files based on the time in
their filenames and move the .01a files to the directory with their corresponding configuration XML files.
* EchoView doesn't appear to reload XML files when new files are imported to an existing configuration. How to fix: always start with a
new project, load files grouped by their configuration as noted above.
* EchoView has capabilities to manually input and edit configuration values, see their extensive and very useful help pages for this information.
* If all else fails, contact us: and/or contact EchoView customer support.
- ONC Data Products and Data teams

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We seek feedback on this data product. It is difficult to test and evaluate. Hopefully it is compatible with your software and uses. Please contact us if you need any support or would like to suggest changes.
