Opened up a dive video and immediately forgot everything you ever learned about STv3? Here's the bare-bones version of what you need to know to start annotating!

In addition to the instructions below, two printable Quick Reference guides specifically geared towards On-Ship Dive Logging are available:

  • Setup

    • If new dive needed: Create Dive in Expedition Listing, and check SeaTube Ready and Active
    • Go to Expedition Management and find the expedition and the dive; click on the Play arrow  to open up the main STv3 logging UI
    • Arrange the widgets in the STv3 UI to your liking.
      • Recommended settings:
        • Annotation Entry widget
          • Check Quick Entry and Attributes in the 'More' dropdown options.
          • Choose a Button Set to display (can be changed at any time).
            • It's highly recommended to use button sets as your primary logging tool; the taxon search dropdown is requires a good knowledge of the taxonomies to use effectively.
          • Check Auto Save if you want annotations to be saved immediately upon clicking a Button from the Button Set, rather than when you click Save.
        • Annotation List widget
          • Check Auto Refresh, Full Timestamp, and Taxon Attributes in the 'More' dropdown options.
        • If you are annotating LIVE VIDEO that you're watching on an external source, remove the Video widget so annotation timestamps default to the current time. If you are annotating HISTORICAL (pre-recorded) video, use the Video widget and the annotation timestamps will be synced to the video stream
  • Create a new annotation

    In the Annotation Entry widget:
    • Click CAPTURE TIME (if not using Auto Save with Buttons)
    • Different ways to create an annotation:
      • Select a taxonomy and taxon
        • If using the taxonomy and taxon dropdowns rather than button sets (generally not recommended), choose the appropriate taxonomy, then begin typing the name of the operation, species, or geoform/substrate/water column level into the taxon search field, e.g. 'CONNECTION', 'VISUAL', 'jellyfish', 'carcharias'
      • OR click a Button from a Button Set
      • OR type something in the Comment field
    • Different annotation types:
      • OPERATIONS, e.g. 'Connection', 'Visual Survey Start', 'Organism Sample': use your organization's User-Created Taxonomy. The taxonomy name should have your organization as its prefix, e.g. ONC, NOAA, or DFO
      • BIOLOGY: use the WoRMS taxonomy
      • ENVIRONMENT: use CMECS taxonomy
    • Fill in Attribute values if known
    • Save.
  • Edit an annotation

    • Find the annotation in Annotation List
    • Click the Edit Annotation icon:
    • The annotation information will appear in the Annotation Entry widget
    • Edit the annotation
    • Save
  • Search for an annotation

    • 2 ways to search annotations:
      • Search filters in Annotation List widget (simpler, can only search one dive)
        • Open with button
      • Seatube Search (more advanced, can search all dives within an expedition)
        • Access in Oceans 3.0 via More > SeaTubeV3 > SeaTube Search, OR button in Annotation List filter search
    • Type text into the 'Comment' field to search both Comment and Taxon name, e.g. 'Connection'
    • Add Filter Option: you can also search by Taxonomy, Attribute, or (coming soon) Attribute value
    • Click Apply Filter (Annotation List) or Search (SeaTube Search) button

When in doubt, or if you can't find the right taxon/button/attribute, type the necessary information into the Comment field and go back later to update the annotation!

Help! ____ isn't working!

  • Are you logged in to Oceans 3.0?
  • Can't see part of the UI? Show or hide widgets, or reset the whole layout using Predefined Layouts, using the Layout Settings menu in the top banner bar of the UI:
    • If the Annotation Entry widget is not available in the Layout Settings, you may not have the necessary user permissions to log in your organization's dives. Contact your organization's expedition leader to ask to be added to the dive logger list.
  • Is the annotation you're trying to make within the time range (Date From/Date To) of the dive? Annotations made outside of a dive's time range will not appear in its Annotation List. Similarly, is the time range of the dive within the time range of the expedition? If these dates are not properly synced, problems can arise.
  • 'Capture Time' only capturing the same time over and over? If there is video attached to the dive, the video must be playing (not paused) EVEN IF THE VIDEO WIDGET IS HIDDEN for Capture Time to sync with the dive. If the video is paused and then hidden, the Capture Time will remain fixed on the time that the video was paused at.