The website, YouTube channel and Soundcloud channel contain many interesting audio highlight clips, which can be downloaded using the Search Hydrophone Data application.

Step-by-step guide

If, for example, you want to download the Clear Recording of Inner Coat Biggs Killer Whales clip, follow these steps:

  1. In the Audio Highlights page, find your clip of interest.
  2. Read in the description where the clip was recorded , for example: “This very clear recording was selected from over 40 minutes of vocalizations made by of a group of inner coast Biggs orcas near the Ocean Sonics icListen high frequency hydrophone deployed at 105m depth at our Folger Deep node.”
  3. Read the description for an individual clip, and find the Original Filename, for example: “ICLISTENHF1253_20140130T081956.935Z_20140130T082456.939Z”
    Looking at this file name, you can find the hydrophone, date and time:
    1. Hydrophone: ICLISTENHF1253
    2. Date: 2014-01-30
    3. Time: 08:19:56
  4. Knowing these things, open Search Hydrophone Data:
  5. Set the location, date and time as shown:

    1. For convenience, here's a direct link to that location, date and hydrophone:
  6. After finding the date you want, scroll down to the time period of interest. Each spectrogram shown in the right part of the image is a 5-minute clip.
  7. Select the clip you want, then click the WAV checkbox and the Request Data button, as shown in this screen capture image:
  8. Wait for your request to be processed:
  9. After processing is finished, click the Download link:
  10. Your downloaded file will be a .zip file. Open it, then unzip the .gz file inside the .zip file to get your .WAV file:


You may find the volume level in the downloaded clip to be low. You can open your downloaded audio file in any audio editing software to amplify the volume.