When working with data from the Oceans 3.0 archives, you may want to know about calibrations performed on the instrument that produced the data. "Calibration" covers a broad range of procedures that are managed in different ways.
Calibration Procedures
- Manufacturer calibration sheets provided by vendors when instruments are delivered and maintained.
- Driver initializations occur when instruments are activated, and calibration coefficients may be used in this process.
- Calibration formulas are applied to individual sensors within Oceans3.0, and the parameters used may change over the instrument's lifecycle as it undergoes periodic calibrations. These formulas can be accessed within Oceans 3.0.
- Calibration coefficients are often stored under Additional Attributes of an instrument. Similar to calibration formulas, these coefficients can also change over a device's lifestyle. These coefficients or formulas can be accessed within Oceans 3.0.
- In-situ/pre-deployment calibration is performed prior to deployment of an instrument. It may include procedures such as benchmark testing, compass calibration, camera colour balance and setting the pressure offset.
- Physical samples are collected for ground-truthing and verifying data. Access to physical sample data may be possible upon request.
- Post calibrations are conducted for some instruments after they are recovered in order to assess drift.
Learn more about calibration procedures and how to access/request related information.