The File Archiving Monitor is found on the "File Archiving" tab of Device Console: and requires login.
With it, users get an "at-a-glance" view of File Archiving statistics for a given day including:

  • The Data Product Formats (with extensions) for the files archived for a given device
  • The total (sum) size in megabytes of (uncompressed) files archived on that calendar UTC day, by Data Product Format
  • The total count of files archived on that calendar UTC day, by Data Product Format
  • The expected total (sum) file size in megabytes based on what has been archived in the two weeks preceding that day
  • The expected total file count based on what has been archived in the two weeks preceding that day
  • The ratio of archived size to expected size, expressed as a percentage
  • The ratio of archived count to expected count, expressed as a percentage

How to Fetch a File Archiving Report

  1. From the left-panel navigation tree, select the "Instruments by" dropdown
  2. Select a node in the tree that you'd like to fetch a report for. Note this will include all currenly-deployed instruments.
  3. Select a report date using the date selector (default is yesterday)
  4. Configure the report parameters as you'd like (see below for explanations of each parameter)
  5. Click the "Refresh" button and wait for your report to generate


  • Report Date (UTC): The UTC calendar day to generate a report for
  • Powerable: Select which devices to include in the report based on their Powerable status, including Always, Intermittent and Never 
  • Archived/Expected Ratio % Filter: The range of Archived/Expected Size % to show in the report. Any results outside of this range will be filtered from the report
    Note that the default (blank) values for the From and To fields correspond to ~0 and +INFINITY, respectively
  • Thresholds: These fields govern the row highlighting  (Default: 50% = Red, 80% = Yellow.) (i.e. any Archived/Expected Size % below the Error (Red) Threshold % will be shown in Red; any Archived/Expected Size % below the Yellow (Warning) Threshold % will be shown in Yellow)
  • Show Log Files: Option for showing or hiding Log files (Data Product Format Id = 5). These can be optionally hidden since they will appear for virtually every device
  • Show Non-Log Files: Option for showing or hiding all mapped** Data Product Format Ids that are not Log files (DPFID = 5). These can be hidden in order to see only device log files, for example.
  • Show Unmapped Files: Option for showing or hiding unmapped** (Data Product Format Id = null) files

**Mapped and Unmapped files refer to ArchiveFiles that have been categorized with or without a Data Product Format Id, respectively