Multi-tool Demo: Video Still Frames (silent)

Click-through demo showing how to use Oceans 2.0 to discover and download video stills from a particular remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive.

Multi-tool demo: Video Logging (narrated)

Demo of the Oceans 2.0 SeaScribe tool, presented by Reyna Jenkins during a webinar for NOAA/Okeanos Explorer team members on 10 November 2016.

Multi-tool Demo: Finding Data (silent)

Click-through demo showing how to use Oceans 2.0 to discover, plot and download data from a particular remotely operated vehicle (ROV) dive.

Multi-tool Demo: Infrastructure Tools (silent)

Click-through demo showing how to use various Oceans 2.0 applications for monitoring devices, finding metadata, controlling underwater cameras, etc.

Multi-tool Demo: Device Metadata (Narrated)

Demo of Device Listings and Device Details tools within Oceans 2.0, presented by Reyna Jenkins during a webinar for NOAA/Okeanos Explorer team members on 10 November 2016.