The Oceans 3.0 API pages are currently under construction as we work to provide a clearer layout. Thank you for your patience as we make these changes.


The Oceans 3.0 API provides a collection of web services for programmatically unlocking access to the vast ONC data archive, whether it is scalar, complex, or video and imagery data. Use Discovery Services to find the data and Delivery Services to retrieve data. Our API Guide provides a general overview of the API, setup instructions, general examples, and more. We also have our API Reference page available for more information. Sample code utilizing each discovery and delivery web service, as well as in-depth applications with the data, can be found on our ONC Github API example code space.

API Web Services



  • Returns all locations defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help find a Tree Node that contains device categories or properties that can be selected to download data


  • Returns all deployments (installations of a device at a location) defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help find when and where specific types of data are available


  • Returns all devices defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help find devices that have the data you want to access. Can be handy to use concurrently with our dataProductDelivery webservice via the deviceCode


  • Returns all device categories defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help find device categories that have the data you want to access. Can be handy to use concurrently with our dataProductDelivery webservice via the deviceCategoryCode


  • Returns all properties (names given to sensor types) defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help find available properties of the data you want to access. Can be handy to use concurrently with our dataProductDelivery webservice via the propertyCode


  • Returns all data products defined in Oceans 3.0 that meet a set of filter criteria

  • Used to help identify which Data Products and formats are available for the locations, devices, device categories, or properties of interest. Can be handy to use concurrently with our dataProductDelivery webservice via the dataProductCode



  • Provides the ability to request, run, and download Data Products in a three-step process.


  • Provides the ability to gather scalar data


  • Provides the ability to gather raw, unprocessed data from, to, or between two given dates


  • Provides the ability to search for and download readily available files at a station



  • Provides the ability to download subsets of complex oceanographic data in common file formats, as well as create graphs and maps, through an ERDDAP data server

Sensor Observation Service (SOS) sos

  • Provides the ability to manage deployed sensors, as well as retrieve sensor and observing data

Space contributors


Thank you to our funders


If you have any issues with the web services, documentation, samples, or client libraries, please let us know

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