For Nortek and RDI ADCP daily current plot products (PNG and PDF formats)

Horizontal / Vertical Current Plot Limits

This option allows the user to select automatic or fixed limits for ADCP daily current plots. The limits are on the colour axis of the daily current plots for either horizontal currents (East u, North v) or vertical currents (Up w) and are symmetric about zero (to support the diverging colour map, maintaining zero as white). The fixed limits have the benefit of being consistent from plot to plot, while the automatic limits can vary. The automatic (10th to 90th percentile) limit does attempt to maintain stable, suitable limits; the limit is selected from the same set of fixed limits that is available to the user by finding the limit that is greater than or equal to the 90th percentile of one-side horizontal or vertical current data. For both automatic limits, the data above the sea surface is excluded as it is often of extreme value.

For the vertical current plot limits, substitute dpo_horizontalcurrentplotlimits with dpo_verticalcurrentplotlimits.

File-name mode field

Selecting a limit option other than 'Automatic (10th to 90th percentile)' or 'Automatic (no clipping, rounded up to nearest 5 cm/s)' will append to the file-name a '-Limit', following by the two limits selected, without the decimal point or trailing zeros. If one of the limits is Automatic (10th to 90th percentile in steps), 'Auto' will appear. If one of the limits is Automatic (rounded up to nearest 5 cm/s), AutoNoSat will appear. Examples: '-Limit0105', '-Limit021', '-Limit05Auto', '-LimitAuto5', '-LimitAutoNoSat5'.

Lower/Upper Backscatter Plot Limit

These options allow the user to select automatic or fixed limits for the colour scale of backscatter on the ADCP daily current plots. These options only affect the backscatter intensity plot (lowest panel). The lower and upper limits can be set independently. The fixed limits have the benefit of being consistent from plot to plot, while the automatic limits can vary. The automatic algorithm uses a 10/90 percent cumulative sum and quantizes to steps of 20 dB, making it much more stable than a simple min/max limit.

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